How can I leave my pension to the person I choose?

father and son

Whether pension payments can be left by will to another person depends on the type of pension plan. The rules differ depending on whether the pension is paid from a private pension plan, such as an employment pension, or a public pension plan such as the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP).

Canada Pension Plan

Survivor’s Pension

The CPP survivor’s pension is a monthly payment paid to the individual who, at the time of death, is the legal spouse or common-law partner of the deceased contributor. Establishing proof of a common-law relationship or that a common-law relationship existed prior to marriage, requires the execution of a statutory declaration.

The amount received by the surviving spouse or common-law partner will depend on the following factors:

  • Whether the deceased contributor is also a recipient of CPP disability benefit or retirement pension;
  • The survivor’s age; and
  • How much, and for how long, the deceased contributor paid into the CPP.

It is the responsibility of the surviving spouse or common-law partner to apply for the survivor’s pension. Eligible individuals should apply as soon as possible after the contributor’s death, since delays may result in a loss of benefits. The CPP will only make back payments for up to 12 months, which means that any further delays will result in lost benefits. At the earliest, a survivor’s pension will begin one month after the contributor’s death.

Death Benefit

The CPP death benefit is a one-time, lump sum payment to the estate or other eligible individuals on behalf of the deceased contributor. If the deceased leaves an estate, the executor is responsible for applying for the death benefit and should apply within 60 days of the date of death. If no estate exists, or the executor has not submitted an application, payment may be made to other persons who apply for the benefit in the following order of priority:

  1. The person or institution that has paid for, or is responsible for the funeral expenses of the deceased;
  2. The surviving spouse or common-law partner; and
  3. The next-of-kin of the deceased.

Children’s Benefit

The CPP children’s benefits provides monthly payments to dependent children of a deceased or disabled CPP contributor. In order to be eligible for this benefit, the child must be either:

  • Under the age of 18; or
  • Between the ages of 18 and 25, and attending a recognized school or university on a full-time basis.

In addition, the child must be in the custody and control of the contributor while under the age of 21 and either (i) a natural child of the contributor or (ii) adopted legally or “in fact” by the contributor. A child is no longer eligible for benefits once they turn 25 years old. For 2023, the current flat rate for the children’s benefit is $281.72 monthly.

Private Pension Plans

A private pension plan (“Individual Pension Plan” or “IPP”) is another form of retirement account created by a corporate employer or incorporated professional. IPP’s are governed by the Income Tax Act and various provincial legislative instruments.

A successor annuitant is a person who collects the benefits of a pension. Generally, the ability to appoint a successor annuitant depends on the type of pension plan. Often, such plans will permit pensioners to appoint a specific individual as their successor annuitant. However, in some jurisdictions, you may be permitted to only name your spouse as a successor. In addition, plans may also permit a pensioner to designate an individual as a “beneficiary” rather than a successor annuitant, in which case, the slightly different rules will apply

For further information about leaving your pension to a specified individual, please consult a TEP and, if applicable, your pension benefits contact at your employer.

Preparing for retirement

The prospect of retirement is exciting but planning for it requires making important decisions in order to ensure that retirement is fulfilling and free of worries. Ensure that you are fully prepared for this significant stage of your life by considering the following.

Determine how much money you need for retirement

The amount of money you will need to save depends on the ways in which you plan to spend your retirement. Some important factors to consider include:

  • Travel plans
  • Hobbies
  • Age at retirement
  • Supporting children or grandchildren
  • Place of living
  • Outstanding debts
  • Other dependents

Familiarize yourself with sources of retirement income

 There are a variety of income sources available to retiring Canadians. Some of the most common include:

  1. Canada Pension Plan (CPP): This pension provides individuals and their families with partial replacement of earnings in certain situations, with retirement being one of them. Almost all individuals who work in Canada (with the exception of residents of Québec) contribute to the CPP. The amount paid as a CPP benefit is dependent on how much and for how long a person has contributed to the CPP.
  1. Old Age Security (OAS) Pension: OAS is a monthly benefit for Canadian citizens and residents over the age of 65. Canadians over the age of 65 are entitled to OAS regardless of whether they are currently employed, were employed in the past, or have never been employed. Eligibility for OAS is dependent on the length of time during which a person has lived in Canada.
  1. Pension from Employment: Some employers provide for a defined benefit or a defined contribution pension plan which will be paid out on retirement. Contact your employer for further details specific to your plan.
  1. Personal Retirement Savings and Investments: You may have other source of income that you can rely on during your retirement. Two common sources of retirement income include Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs).

This list is not exhaustive, and there are many other sources of income for retiring Canadians. Please consult a TEP for further information.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget is vital to retirement planning – as is following the budget during retirement. Having a plan to manage money can help balance income with everyday expenses and guide spending. In addition, as someone retires, their expenses change. For example, while a person may no longer spend money on commuting to and from work, or their residence may be paid off, they may spend additional money on interests and hobbies, travel, or supporting dependents.

How long someone lives will also impact how much money they will need for retirement. Statistics indicate that people live longer than in the past. As such, new retirees are advised to budget for at least 30 years of retirement.

Pay outstanding debts

As sources of income are less flexible once a person is retired, it is important to ensure that retirement income stretches as far and as long as possible. As such, it is important to clear as many outstanding debts as possible. Such debts may include credit card bills, mortgage payments, lines of credit, etc. Even if it is not possible to clear the debts entirely, lowering the amounts owed is prudent when planning for retirement.

Deciding when to retire

Deciding when to retire is a significant decision. It is important to have a basic idea of how long someone will be retired in order to plan accordingly and ensure that there is enough money to support the retiree throughout the entire duration of retirement.

In deciding when to retire, some factors to consider include:

  • Desired lifestyle
  • Spouse’s retirement plans
  • Health and spouse’s health
  • Current financial obligations and living expenses

For further information, or assistance in preparing for retirement, please consult a TEP.