What is Probate? What does it mean to probate a Will?

will, probate

Probate, from the Latin probare, “to test or prove,” involves the act of proving the legal validity of a Will. In certain situations (for example, to access a deceased’s bank accounts or to transfer land), a legal document must be issued by a Court proving that a Will is valid and the person named as Executor within the Will has the authority to act on behalf of the Estate. In most provinces and territories, the Court issues a certificate called ‘Letters Probate’, the ‘Grant of Probate’, or ‘Grant of Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee With (or Without) a Will’. The process is commonly referred to in short as “Probate.”

The process for verifying Wills in Quebec differs from the rest of Canada.

If the deceased left a Will

If the deceased left a valid Will, the document should provide who the appointed authorities are (i.e. Executor(s)) to look after the estate administration, who the beneficiaries of the Estate are, and any specific intentions as to how the deceased’s possessions, money or property are to be distributed to them.

The Executor named in the Will may be required to obtain Letters Probate (or Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee With A Will, in Ontario), in order to administer any estate assets or settle any claims of the deceased. If required, a probate application form would be prepared and submitted to the Courts, along with other required or supporting documentation. This process varies slightly from province to province. For more information regarding probate in the specific province of residence (determined with reference to the deceased), please click the name of the province below.

If the deceased did not leave a valid Will

If the deceased did not leave a valid Will, they are said to have died “intestate.” Generally, when a person dies intestate, an application must be made to the Court. The Court will appoint an authority (i.e. Administrator(s)) to administer and distribute the Estate according to specific laws called the laws of Intestacy. These laws determine who is eligible to receive assets in the estate, and they do vary province to province as well.

How does the Grant of Probate different than the Grant of Administration?

Although the naming varies slightly between provinces, Courts generally have three different grants they can issue when a person applies to administer an Estate. It depends if the deceased died with a Will or without one. It is the responsibility of the person applying to determine what type of grant they are applying for and to apply for the appropriate grant. Each type of grant will have different application requirements.

(1) If the Will names you as the Executor, you will apply for a Grant of Probate (or in Ontario, a Grant of Certificate of Administration with a Will).

(2) If the Will ‘does not’ name anyone as Executor or the person named as Executor is unable or unwilling to act, it will be necessary to apply for a Grant of Administration with Will Annexed (or in Ontario, a Grant of Certificate of Administration with a Will).

(3) If the deceased died without a Will, you will need to obtain a Grant of Administration (or in Ontario, a Grant of Certificate of Administration without a Will).

There are other grants for more complex situations, which may include replacing an acting Executor or Administrator, or recognizing a foreign Grant of Probate from another province or territory. It is prudent to seek legal assistance prior to making applications to a Court.

Most provinces will not issue grants of administration to people who reside outside the province. In provinces where grants of administration are made or made to people who reside outside the province, the court may require some form of security or bond to be placed by the person assuming the role of administrator. These requirements vary from province to province and a TEP should be consulted regarding the rules specific to the applicable jurisdiction.

Do I need a lawyer to probate a Will?

Estates vary substantially in terms of size and complexity. If the Executor is required to obtain the Grant of Probate, the application process can be very complex. Although most Probate applications do not require a formal appearance in Court, there are a number of legal forms that must be filled out correctly. Determining which forms are necessary, completing them accurately, and enclosing appropriate supporting documentation can be daunting. Legal assistance is recommended, although may not required for simple estates.

If an Estate is contested by a beneficiary or involves administration outside the scope of what is discussed in this overview, Executors should strongly consider seeking formal legal advice.

Is it necessary to probate a Will?

Not all Estates will require the Will to be Probated. The Grant of Probate will provide legal authority to an Executor(s) to handle any assets held by an Estate. Generally, any land or real estate held in an Estate may only be handled by and Executor who has received Probate. If the deceased died with bank accounts in excess of $25,000, the bank may only release those accounts to the Executor if Probate was issued by the Court. For Estates with assets of lessor value, banks may accept other forms of indemnity to handle those assets rather than obtaining the Grant of Probate.

Information on probate by province


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